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IPS – Global Group is continuously monitoring all aspects of the Covid-19 situation and taking measures to protect its employees whilst continuing to support customers. The health, safety and well-being of our employees is always our highest priority and we also consider it our duty to act responsibly and do our part to protect society.

We’re doing everything we can to maintain our activities in the course of its normal business operations.

Selected measures already implemented:

We’re keeping our employees up to date with the latest guidance. Our employees are aware of the need for social distancing and we are regularly reminding them about additional precautions and hygiene measures. Hand sanitizers have been provided for each individual employee in all locations.

Due to travel ban in IPS – Global Group, all meetings and trainings have been replaced by teleconferences or similar options.

Mobile work
Over 90% of our IPS – Global Group employees are now working from home until further notice. Remote tools and technology allow for many to do this with minimal disruption. Our support employees are continuing to work in the office with additional health and safety precautions in place.

IPS – Global Group has taken actions to ensure business continuity and operational plans for each of its locations, as well as the continuity of support for our customers and partners. It’s our intention to continue business operations as usual, with additional precautions while serving the needs of our customers, partners, and communities. We’re working together with our employees to help keep them safe and are following the advice and precautions set out by the public health office of each country where IPS – Global Group is operating.

Flexible working
IPS – Global Group already operates a flexible time working policy, but with school closures and other potential demands on those that are caring for relatives, there is additional pressure. We’re working with our managers to support our employees through this. We aim to be as flexible as we can, whilst at the same time supporting our customers through these challenges.

Official information available from national and international organizations and public authorities across IPS – Global Group locations:


As your trusted partner and software vendor, we want to assure you of our commitment to maintaining continuity of the products and services that you need from us.

We are talking regularly with our customers, suppliers and employees as the situation progresses and are reviewing business and operational plans daily. If you have further questions or require additional information, please reach out to your usual IPS contact.