IPS® Switching Order Management

IPS® Switching Order Management presents an important part of IPS®OMS and it is developed for managing the processes of providing conditions for safe operation on elements that are subject to disconnection requests. It is fully compatible with IPS®IOM and IPS®NIOM Modules and all functionalities are fully applicable for both planned and unplanned outages. IPS®SOM enables automatic creation of outage zone and clearance zone, borders definition, and setting of appropriate tags. Users can use IPS®SOM for adding, editing and deleting switching orders and all the other related entities such as clearance orders, hot line hold orders, switch hold orders. It also provides a mechanism for authorization and tracking of all activities during the entire process.

Creating Switching Orders

Assign detailed info when creating Switching orders, create pre- and post-switching checklists and switching steps, assign switching substations…

Outage Zones

Define your outage zones directly in CIM diagram, and define all equipment needed for establishing a safe working zone and isolate working place.


Get to the results faster with advanced filtering. Browse through substations, switching order statuses, assign data ranges, and set up own views in practical user-interface, with endless options for configurations.

Order Documents

Switching steps are automatically created, and full control and supervision is established over the approval process, the manner and order of execution of switching orders and other related documents such as Clearance Order, Hot Line Hold Order, and Switch Hold Order.

IT and OT integration

Big advantage of IPS®OMS is an integration between IT and OT Systems. Complete process of communication and integration between IT an OT system goes through firewall, ensuring security and reliability.

IPS®SOM – Faster and more reliable way for creating Switching Orders.

Learn how to support Intentional and Non-Intentional Outages with advanced IPS®SOM module.