IPS-ENERGY’s Jerry Day was recently selected to join EPRI’s Grid Model Data Management Forum;

a compilation of industry experts and vendors interested in improving GMDM architecture, multi-vendor interoperability and CIM model support for distribution.

GMDM is needed for timely, accurate and accessible network models to support the growing network of privately owned generation equipment on the distribution end of the electrical grid.

According to Mr. Day, “Grid Model Data Management is a passion for me.  It is essential to the future of distribution primarily because, as the distribution equivalent of CIM, it helps solve questions such as how to handle Distributed Energy Resources.”  These resources include clean energy generation which is not owned nor controlled by the companies who are responsible for safe, reliable energy distribution to consumers along the power grid.

As the Electrical Grid changes, IPS is proud to stand with EPRI as leaders developing solutions for the future of the Electrical Utility Industry.